7 Tips To Prepare For Your Wedding Dance
Getting Married But Can't Dance?
Yes, 4 minutes of shuffling awkwardly and stepping on each others toes while your closest friends and family are all looking at you is an awful long time!
But don't panic, at least you thought about it before the day! You wouldn't believe the amount times I heard "It's only when we stepped on the dance floor that we realised that we should have prepared."
" A little preparation will go a long way!
1- Pick Your Song Carefully
The song is where it all starts, it is the base to your dance so choose it carefully.
Of course you will want a song that means something to both of you.
2- Learn a Few Moves
You will need to learn the basic pattern dance skills: Leading/Following, Posture and Steps.
You will also need to learn a few moves. Make them impressive but yet easy to execute.
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3- Keep It Short
Keep your dance short. 3 minutes is an ideal length.
" Confidence is Elegance!
4- Keep It Simple but Impressive
This advise can often be misunderstood. By "simple" I don't mean "unremarkable".
On the contrary we want your dance to be remarkable and memorable!
- Use simple steps
- Use simple moves and know them inside-out. A well danced simple move beats badly danced complicated move everyday!
- Less is more. DON'T overload your choreography with moves, instead travel on the floor.
Simplicity will lead to confidence which in turn will lead to elegance.
5- Plan your entrance
Decide how you are going to enter the floor: Are you going to walk together hand in hand? Arms linked? With or without music?
These decisions might seem meaningless now but on the day knowing that you have a precise plan will give you comfort and confidence.
6- Plan your choreography
Once you have learned a few moves it's time to put a plan together. Again keep it simple and flexible!
I always ask my students to write down their plan with as few words as possible. They must name each one of their moves and have a mnemonic trigger. It should look something like this:
- Entrance: Hand in hand without music
- Move 1: Handshake hold - clockwise turn
- Move 2: etc...
- Move 3:
- Last move:
- Exit
7- Practice
The more you practice the more confident you will be. Practice often and remember dancing should be fun!
Enter your email address in the box below and get your FREE Dance Lesson now!
No credit card required, no strings attached. Our Wedding Gift to You!

Ooops, maybe we should have taken that free dance lesson....
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