Lesson 2/7



While posture, frame and holds (holding your partner's hands) are simple concepts to understand there are deceivingly difficult to practice. When we teach "live" this is what we correct most often.

When we stand still and take our time to check posture, frame and hold in turn we can quickly spot the mistakes and correct them. But as soon as we start dancing we focus our attention elsewhere and this is when the mistakes will creep up again and again.

As you go through this tutorial make a habit of checking your posture, frame and hold every few minutes. Correct any mistake straight away, either yours or your partners.

What to look out for:

  • Looking at the floor
  • Slouching
  • Tensing up of the shoulders
  • Frame too low
  • Frame too soft or too tense
  • Wrong hand hold (entwined fingers, palm to palm, to tight...)


From experience we know that the hand hold is what creates most problems when it comes to executing moves and patterns. Having a finger touch hold is crucial but very easy to overlook.

Leading & Following 

The Steps